Yasuko Suzuki

 Working for a foreign affiliate, I have a long experience to accompany internal foreign guests.  A side job permission was given in August, 2021 and now I am available for the all the tourists in Yamagata (weekends and holidays only).  Short time guide, business-related travel support/interpretation is also available.  I have a basic knowledge of the other languages (French: intermediate, German & Korean: beginner) and am good at treating the guests properly with hospitality.


Murayama Area (expandable)

지역 지도는 여기

Certified national guide
STEP the 1st grade(English), CBS bilingual secretary,
The Test for Technical Ability of Secretary the 1st grade
Other languages (mentioned above)
Murayama area (Yamagata city, Yamadera, Tendo, Higashine, Murayama)
가이드 이력
Worked only for internal guests (due to the company rule)
Available for public from August, 2021 with a second job permission
가이드 요금
TBD negotiable

이 페이지에 기재된 금액은 표준 요금으로 제반 조건에 따라 실제 요금이 달라집니다. 자세한 내용은 통역안내사와 직접 상담해 주시기 바랍니다.

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